
Education accessibility and computer lab facility with K-Yan.

Considering knowledge is a powerful and important part of life, so we aim to provide every DigiGaon with a knowledge center. In this it will be ensured that at least one person from each household will be digitally literate. Also it would entail in providing assistance to the students for competitive exam trough interactive multimedia channel. It will empower people to develop personally through acquiring Knowledge, Information and skill.

CSC's virtual study centers provide education -to pre-degree or any other seeking online learning courses who for one reason or the other who could not or did not make use of the formal education system.

K-Yan: “Seeing is believing” and with this philosophy we have further equipped the CSC centers with modern education tool such as K-Yan which is a projector cum computing device through which we can have visually empowering joint classroom sessions for the students making them intrigued together.